Category Archives: Sex Positivity & Consent

Getting Down, Rising Up!

“Getting Down, Rising Up!” is a week of events focused on reclaiming sex based on respect, supporting those who have experienced sexualized violence, and strategizing to make our communities (and sex lives!) safer and sexier for everyone!

Workshop topics include: active listening & support, consent & communication, transformative justice (by Support New York), the decriminalization of sex work (by Stella), and more!

Sex positive pussies

In the coldest month of Montreal winter, what better to cheer our frozen bodies than a few weeks of rad sex ed? Organized by the awesome folks at the 2110 Centre, this series of workshops and film screenings is designed to be accessible to everyone. Bring on the awkward questions and the love for consent!

This posters stirred up some shit & lots of conversation at Concordia University. There was even an article about it in The Link! How Puurrrrfect.

December 6th Montreal, Quebec

never forget, never forgive

On December 6, 1989, Marc Lépine entered L’École Polytechnique of Montreal with the intention to “fight feminism” by killing women engineers. He shot and killed fourteen women, injured 10 other women and four men, before turning the gun on himself. December 6 is the  National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. This poster was made for the memorial service organized by SACOMSS (, at Birks Chapel, December 6th 2010.